Warfare strategy. If can't fight their wall of super secure blockchain (which they tried, they tried regulation, DDOS attacks, attacking exchanges, hacking exchanges), now their masterplan is go via a back entrance. Get an insider/saboteur. Well plant one insider first. Takes years. Just like their espionage dept, planting spies for years or decades. Who played Command & Conquer knows what the saboteur's role.
But wow and boom. Bitcoin and the dao(philosophy) of it, is it is the truest form of freedom, of true free market (not those stock exchanges that are rigged and like Ethereum can be set to bailout when things get rough for them).
Perhaps the code (signatures removed) will have no impact for running bitcoin for 1 year, 2 years, or 5 years. But one day, one single exploit can potentially be made. And like a nuclear bomb hidden within. Since attacking from outside is impossible.
I think it could happen when the after the next financial crisis (2017-2018) when "fake" markets crashes and if those value goes into cryptocurrencies. Then they allow it. Then when they need to, they will press the BUTTON to implode it. How, when? That's the rhetorical question we can ask ourselves.
That implosion could shatter the whole landscape (their play).