it's very true--the line between capitulation and survival is blurry. Being a total renegade will isolate you and help identify yourself. We're literally living in a totalitarian state with the ability to spy on your dailies. So you need to be somewhat sensitive that most people will not/cannot escape the matrix. I don't believe they're capitulating. They just don't have the means to do anything about it.
I had used a fb account several years ago to try to "wake people up" to the realities of the world, particularly for those of us in the US. Most of my closest friends simply assumed I lost my mind.
You're probably right about the cryptosphere as being some piece of a revolution. I think that's really the hype--anti-establishment. But people are sheeple. It's going to require brave actors to martyr themselves in order to motivate people for a day or two.
Hopefully the sheep and dinosaurs have a large overlap, and soon enough we will be more informed youth in power - there HAS to be hope... :)