"Ummm... Duh?"
"When I buy and hold Bitcoin, I'm going to be a millionaire."
"They've always been saying it's a bubble, it's just going to go UP UP UP from here."
So, yeah.. but there's something amiss here.
There's a key thing we're not considering here, within the dialogue for valuation.
There's always something that lurks around in the human psyche that drives us far more deeply than the average person perceives. Something Freud and Nietzsche both have articulated in very creative and surreal ways.
Something caused the Germans to commit the atrocities they did, something caused the tulip bubble to rise and fall.
Emotion, in the sense of the context, isn't just tied to the common associations we have with the buzzword emotion, but more so, the lurking irrational person that everyone has within themselves.
There's a reason why you see those commercials for the large world brands having certain psychologically honed in weapons to lynch your psyche into a emotional upheaval toward a product.
Nearly everyone successful does it.
Now I'm sure you're asking,"Well fellow steemian... what does that have to do with bitcoin!?"
See you soon, point.
When a item is marketed, attention is key. If you aren't paying attention to a product, how am I going to introduce you the value of a product?
Have you ever heard of a product that was sold to someone who had no idea it existed?
I haven't either.
See, when you're introducing value to someone, for instance, value of a car, you've got to capture the attention, and introduce it's value. When you do that from a frame tied into that little (or mega) lurking emotional being in us all, the compounding of our understanding of the product goes through the roof.
It's like compounding, but increasing the compounding of our understanding of the value every second you have our "lurkers" attention.
Enter Bitcoin.
Allure is a powerful psychological tool my friends. Certainly seems like, Bitcoin, in one sense or another sense, has captured the attention of the human race.
Fear of Loss
Have you ever felt a tinge of regret when you spent money on a big ticket item that you know doesn't have the value you could extract out of that amount of cash you dished out for it?
If you have, you are in empathy with much of the human race. Susceptibility to these common human experiences is quite high, especially when already in what's called a irrational frame of mind.
Especially, when you are being allured toward understanding a value.
Imagine. The millions of folks investing into a alluring prospect, with the idea of becoming immensely rich.
Grounds for disaster.
Avoid thinking with the herd
-A very wise man
Imagine the past. Whenever the hotly contested item receives the attention from the masses, what was the allure?
Was it rational? Was it reasonable?
A soup of irrationality, those indulging in the perceived high pleasurable value forwent the simplest of social considerations.
When irrationality occurs, people leave all contact with higher thinking, and appropriate themselves with any sort of indiscipline.
What does this mean?
Tying it back to Bitcoin
We can already see the massive allure to Bitcoin. Whispers of "I could be a millionaire" heard around the world. New uncharted territory so easily entered it, all it takes is a few clicks. The sale is ripe, so primed with attention and emotional framing - does one even need a call to action to make this sale?
We do clearly see the fear of collapse buttered through the financial headlines of all major institutions every day, all it will take is one major sharp event in the near future, and you will see, a validation of the human psychology of irrationality.
What this does mean, is there will be a clear major opportunity for a wealth transference, as we do see with all major financial events within the lands of speculation.
Or at least a high probability. Very high.
Fear of loss, excitement of massive gain. The frame of the masses is set, the fear is appropriated, and the value of being rich is so clearly understood. All it takes is one event.
Thank you for reading my thoughts!
If you appreciated my thoughts, and thought it was valuable any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
As always, appreciate my post from the frame of mind of comparing notes. If you have any great input, don't hesitate to provide. Thank you again!
I sometimes worry about bitcoin at night. There is some comfort in thinking that every night, we are getting closer to the moon.