
The horror! THE HORRAHH!

Hold for the long-term. In it for the long run. Dollar-cost averaging means the fiat price doesn't matter. And blockchain is here to stay. Who cares about prices when we have the tech that is changing the world.

Strong dollar is a factor in the financial chaos happening in all markets right now. The dollar may never crash, however, because it's backed by the Pentagon who will destroy anyone who doesn't use it, even if they are superpowers.

Great point about debt to gdp ratios, too. Followed you, follow back for excellent crypto content! @unclepeterdonkey #steemit #crypto #blockchain #bitcoin

Dollar-cost averaging is key to stress management in investment.... alcohol also helps... it is also delicious 😋

Dollar could crash though, US debt is very concerning and it is the world reserve currency (Panic = meltdown). The world is trying to adapt to an unpredictable US and the masses now have ways of avoiding sanctions .. but what the hell do I know! Thanks for the feedback

The dollar COULD crash, but in all likelihood, it WON'T crash, not in the near-term at least. It makes sense that it would, but when you consider that it's backed by the Pentagon and the largest military in the world, its use can easily be enforced as it has for decades. Countries that don't comply get bombed into oblivion.

I see your point, but to suggest the US would bomb Europe, China or Russia for abandoning the dollar (Should it become unpredictable, like a currency crisis) is extremely unlikely. Having fiat as a reserve currency always posed this problem. In my eyes, is the remedy a gold or bitcoin standard?

The current model is finite

Saddam Hussein began trading for oil without dollars. Ghaddafi was launching a gold-backed Dinar currency. What happened to their countries? Maybe it won't be a hot war from the start. Could be a cyber attack or biological warfare. Anyone who challenges USD supremacy gets met with force, period. It never has been and never will be otherwise.

A bitcoin standard is one potential remedy. But no standards are needed really, just let everyone become their own financial sovereign.

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