Binance enabling fiat-to-alt purchases? Game F-in Changer if it goes through. Robinhood is trying the same thing. Kraken is almost there, word is they're trying, too. And possibly what Goldman Sachs is trying to do with Poloniex.
Game. Changers.
(Still, keep your coins in your wallet!)
Problem with XRP is, banks can use their own blockchain solution and also use the Ripple protocol. They don't need XRP, even with the Ripple subsidies to encourage institutions to use it. But, if they find XRP convenient and useful, they will use it. And if that happens -- BOOOOM.
I'm writing a crypto-related novella (fictional story) and could use a "beta reader" -- somebody who can read the draft and give some critique. Goal: good story that helps people see cryptocurrency as a real, valid, useful thing. Connect with me if you're interested.