In Telegram Channel Daniel Larimer (CTO of Block.One) give hints about a "legendary Partnership".
His project EOS making great progress and in a few days DAWN 3.0 will be released. In June 2018 EOS will going live and all ERC20 EOS-Tokens will be converted into native EOS-Tokens.
A few projects coming forward to moving on the EOS-Chain, but the big fishes are going to be announced in the future.
So where will you be when this happend? Standing on the outline and just watching or being part of this new exciting technology that will strike the blockchain technology in 2018?
If he says it it must be true :)
Absolutely ! He was for so long in this business. And when "Dan the Man" says "legend".... than it will be legend!!!
Indeed doesn't seem the type to call his next door grocery a legend :)
LOL 😂 Yes, believe it will be no grocery store 😜
Dig EOS, Upvoted :)
So what does legend mean in this context?
Big player related to Blockchain technology...?or companies are trying to get in blockchain.