The better strategy is to go for lower market cap coins that have been panic sold above the rate of BTC. Great deal of coins have lost value for no fundamental reason other than BTC is falling.
Look at NEO, BAT, Monaco, TenX, Bytom or even something like Dash which is pretty much the answer to all the problems of BTC. Even ETH has nothing to do with BTC.
In technology pioneers always die before the newcomers. Netscape, Internet Explorer, Nokia, Yahoo! Myspace........Bitcoin.
excellent reply but some were absorbed
I'm a fundamentals guy. But I totally agree with this TA. It just match with the fundamentals. The era of BTC dominance is coming to an end. That's a great thing. So many new and amazing products finally have a chance to shine.You should read this:
In crypto world, BTC failing IS the fundamental thing. Maybe in a few years, things will change. But for now, BTC is still the most fundamental factor.
I've previously called for below $5billion market cap for BTC by 2020. So in a few years BTC will have all it's dominance and put in its rightful place; which is a history book/museum.Try this article:
I might sound crazy. But please do your research and let the time tell.