First of all how about addressing any of the facts and arguments I presented. You have adressed none and claims I'm no different from downvoters.
1)I haven't broken the NAP
2)I have presented facts and pointed out your inaccurate claims
3)I've made solid arguments using logic
Your main argument is "I don't like " which has zero facts in it and purely feelings based.
I refuse to accept that you have reached a reputation of 58 without noticing that the "follow" button turns into "unfollow" after you click on it. I see no clear reason why you don't know how to unfollow.
I'm not worshipping every post the guy makes like you are either.
Factually incorrect according to what's recorded on the blockchain. I don't upvote half of @haejin's posts because it depletes my tiny voting power too much. I only commnet on about 10% or at most 20% of his posts. I also follow other TAs and comment and upvote them.
2)reward pool rape
all because some people voted him without any coercion or additional incentive. All the while you are selling UPVOTE, FOLLOW, & RESTEEM for direct financial gain.I have nothing against vote selling. I use bots too. It's recorded on the blockchain. I mentioned that for the irony that you are against @haejin making 8 profitable calls a day calling it
Next time think with logic and fundamentals instead of feelz.