Crypto currency exchange Bittrex has released a statement showing support for BCC coins, meaning that you can collect BitCoinCash in your Bittrex wallet.1
If you have a Bitcoin (BTC) balance on Bittrex 24 during the BCC UAHF time on August 1st, 5:20am (12:20pm UTC), you will be credited the equivalent amount of Bitcoin Cash (BCC) on a 1:1 basis. i.e. 1 BTC on Bittrex held during the on-exchange snapshot will get you 1 BCC.
In addition to that, trading will remain open, even though the wallets will be disabled for 24 hours. That means that if you want, you can keep your BTC on Bittrex, while collecting BCC, and still using your BTC to buy up all the altcoins that will be crashing.
The wallet will remain closed until the majority hash power chain is clearly established. Trading will remain active during this time. In the event of a chain split, Bittrex will take all reasonable steps to ensure that customer funds can be preserved on both chains.
Why would altcoins crash? Because everyone will turn them into BTC to collect the BCC!
Source: 1
very interesting!