
Thanks for sharing this! I definitely hear the argument that voluntaryism is trying to create some kind of utopia. Glad to hear you rebut it so well!

Also, wanted to bring this to your attention: there's a $4,000 prize for a 30-60second video contest, "What makes you passionate about liberty?" I bet you would make a great submission!

I just joined Steemit about a week ago and I'm really digging it. Hope to read more from you. Here's my intro post if you'd like to learn more about me: "I'm one of 20,000+ libertarian/voluntaryist activists moving to New Hampshire to stop big government! I'm also the author of 3 cookbooks! Now, I’m learning how to write/talk more openly about my feelings & beliefs". Cheers!

Awesome! Thanks for sharing your work! ( :

I definitely hear the argument that voluntaryism is trying to create some kind of utopia. Glad to hear you rebut it so well!, Agreed that you rebut that argument so well!

I love the work that you do, especially your comics. Thank you for doing what you can to spread liberty! Cheers, :) <3