
Epic. The MAC can go down some more but I'm watching for it to level out... I think we'l be done with correction as the month is nearing its end. The same is true for many other coins

you mean it will last 2 weeks this correction?

Recent bear market lasted over a year. This may not turn around anytime soon!

No, we're all confined to Bitcoin hell forever !
We'll wait and watch till we have lost a third of our money, then withdraw and never come back, so that a) the rate stays low and we can b) tell everybody how we were led by the nose plus c) claim we were right from the beginning !
There's no way out of this without vodka ;))

Jamie Dimon said "The chickens who invest in Bitcoin will pay the price!"
He meant, the price needed to make it smooth going for Morgan Stanley.
So we oblige him of course, it's not that we didn't know that small folk are supposed to do their superior's bidding.

At least if you are correct, fees and transaction times should come down!

For what, Bitcoin ?
Well... I don't know anyone who cares about transaction fees for Bitcoin - when I hold Bitcoin, I hold it at an exchange, I never use it for transactions. If I would hold it for longer, I'd transfer it to a wallet but I haven't seen the need for that these last weeks, I went between alts and fiat and Bitcoin, and whenever I sent funds elsewhere, I used ETH. I honestly dont know anyone who uses Btcoin for transactions, so why would their price be such a decisive factor. Bitcoin is for investment only these days.

It was a joke!
But there is no way I would hold btc on an exchange. Mt gox and several others should demonstrate that’s an easy way to lose the lot. Especially given the crash! Let’s see who survives!!

BTC prediction:

Bitcoin correction is just starting on monthly. At 11,8k now but I expect to see 5k before trend reversing back to bullish after accumulation.

E:Hoping to be wrong. Bitcoin is in totally different place now as it has been in earlier but we have been going up for a long time. Bear market is as natural as Bullish. If you just plan to hold, cost averaging is a good plan. No need to check the charts, just buy some every now and then.

I can see how you're the leading authority about everything on this network, so I guess that means bitcoin is out of business for many months now.
Till after "accumulation," of course. What do you say, should we all invest in Bitcoin Cash, because of the marvellous technology it offers, and its great future ?

Quite defensive reply. Top is clearly in. Just pulling your leg.

I'm not leading authority, just a dude pulling predictions out of a hat like haejin, or you, or anyone else. I haven't looked what the charts look for Bitcoin cash so you need to ask Haejin for guidance here.

Don't get me wrong, I hope BTC isn't in for a long bear market. But judging by its past history, what goes up, comes down as well and in crypto the coming down can be brutal hence the "bitcoin is dead" shouts.

What you need to understand is that humanity is a bubble, "the economy" is us turning the environment into trash and selling the resulting gadgets to itself for intra-species amusement.
This just as a general explanation about what's going on in the "market" - the crypto market is an ideal example for this, people selling each other ideas and as long as they believe in them... believe in Islam and you'll happily go to paradise, for what it's worth.
Believe in Bitcoin, and Bitcoin will rise.

But there's lots of utter amateurs in crypto now, some on borrowed money - they are extremely paranoid and many are probably unable to wrap their minds around what's actually going on...

Because all prophecies are sorta self-fullfilling.
This is very satisfying for the doomsayers, as they can point at the results, saying : "See ? I was right " Though folks like @haejin will deny it, that is a decisive factor, it's THE factor - and the highly deliberate, almost reliable China FUD, the BCH action by The VersTM and talk like yours here are having a destructve influence on the morals of these people, this is why I'm critical towards the attitude, Elliott Waves and the rest of TA or not.

But I have a solution, and it's really simple - all we need do is kill the batsperson...

So you're trying to hype the prices up? And trying to educate me? Wow. I've been there and I rather not live in that "bubble". Saw what it was pretty fast.

This kind of behavior will just end up making the people you wish to "protect" to lose money. No matter how many times you utter "up up and up", it doesn't matter. People can see the charts and will act accordingly. Joe with 20 dollars doesn't matter much in grand scheme. Smart money does. No amount of chanting together will change their opinion, as they don't care about what hope you're trying to sell to newcomers.
They will make money the same shorting as longing.

When even the mention of possible bear market is hissed at, you can tell what's up.

But to make it all right, btc to moon! Just repeat after me and it'll work.

I like your way of thinking, really, but huuuge amount of money are coming from standard finance, even JP Morgan want put money in, and BTC is first mover (and will upgrade). They want buy cheap so they pump hard and dump slowly to induce huuuge dips. Just my opinion. Hope you are right for the end of the month, my alts are going down/correcting and I hope to see them go up as soon as possible.

BCH seems to form some sort of triangle, so bullish I guess ...

Almost everything is in triangles, all is bullish - it's just the prices that are going down. Who cares about a little detail like that ;))