5-17-2019 Silver, Gold, and Bitcoin report

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Good Morning,
Bullish day today across the board with all anti-fiat indicators trading higher. Gold is up $12.30 at $1252.00 with Silver at $16.915, up 16.8 cents and Bitcoin at $1,870 after hitting a low of $1763 before this strong move up occurred. Ethereum is trading lower at $89.98 down 1.37% over the past 24 hours. US Dollar fell quite a but in yesterdays trade and the trend continues with the Dollar at 97.76, down 23.8 points after yesterday's 80 point drop. Things are heating up but whether it means anything or not is another topic for discussion. It seems the unstable left continues to make up stories trying to disrupt Trump at the same time they ignore all laws of corruption they've broken, but these will die down after the arrests are made and I do expect them to happen soon and yes, I will be smiling so broad that my ears will be clapping behind my head when I see politicians and news reporters in handcuffs. The corruption is obvious and heavy upon our nation and because of that, it becomes weighty on every nation with the US Dollar is teetering between fascistic politicians who are trying to tell everyone they know more than a business man about running an efficient smooth government when the electoral process told these same politicians that the general public has had enough of their lies and transgressions against the people they are suppose to represent. So here we sit waiting for evidence in an open court and I really do believe 45 will spill it all out soon enough. I do believe there will be arrests at the top of the Democratic and Republican Parties as well as their little TV media supporters who have been trying their hardest to tell you and I that they know better than we do and that we should believe them when they say what is on a teleprompter. News Flash!! It ain't working and it hasn't since we got the last liar in chief who won on the supposed "Change".
What I think may be happening in a broad sense is "we the people" are waking up to the fact that nothing from government or the monetary system reports are believable and the current actions being applied to disrupt everything because it's Trump is obvious. The detractors are many and on both sides and they are being exposed as the swamp gets drained. John McCain, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, and many more, are the perfect poster children for term limits and fascism, and they are trying their best to use tactics behind the scene to stop what the people of the USA voted for. That will not end well for this group who only listen to their lobbyist friends and not the people that voted them into office. Remember during the election when all those fake woman accused Trump of rape and grabbing pussy yet after 45 killed it in the election it all disappeared? Trump will not forget what the high and mighty Republican Party did when they too supported the story without investigating. No sir, this battle is far from over and the tallys will show up in the value of our currency.
I do watch various other things within the markets and one of them is the open interest in Silver and Gold as we watch the boys pile on short contracts to control the metals within the current debt based system. Back in 2011 when Silver made it's attempted run to $50 the Open Interest was under 150,000 contracts. The Brexit vote, the Trump win, and the most recent election in France, we witnessed Open Interest explode to over 235,000 contracts yet the price of Silver sits at $16, Why? Why are so many paper contracts being used to control a material from finding it's natural price? At this point I've learned not to worry too much because the great unwinding is showing up within the anti-debt-based currency system of the Cryptos.

Stay Strong!
WebBotReader The questions are many but the only one I'm worried about is the truth and where it leads? I embrace change and I want it now, and yes, I'm getting it. Part of my reads are from Clif High and his web bot reports which I find fascinating and life altering, at least for my family and me. From his most recent write ups this morning Clif is seeing the ..... "Ack! 2b Clear! Geopolitical crapola affecting Ag & Au shows for weekend between 3rd & 4th week in May. The 20th & 21st" ..... and "Ack! So the question really is: Was the firing of #comey a step in the investigation of which DNC member ordered hit on #SethRich ?" these posted this morning as I was putting thought to type. The timings have always been an issue and we won't have long to wait to see if these 2 posts are spot on or not.


While my views and beliefs appear to be very similar to yours, I also believe the corruption in DC runs so deep that the day of reckoning will more than likely not occur until sometime in the distant future. I hope I am wrong but those that stand to lose the most will do whatever they can to continue the charade. Here's hoping for PEACE, no matter the timing.