
Thanks alot for taking time to reply! you mean the lows we had last december or december 2018 that is comming? I am ready to buy in even more :) . If I would join the website ewa, can I do that without credit card (expired but i have paypal :) ) or do i specificly need one? Also for the free trial? + Is it possible to get updates there about the market and analyses without having to do the analysis myself? (crypto)?

I cover 30+ cryptos down to an hourly with 90+ on daily for rotation. You can come get a free 15day trial to get a feel but if you want to stay, you'll need to put in a credit card.

Also, its just the best community of traders I know. I was grown out of membership to analyst, and learned the techniques there. Members can post analysis to, but 100's of subscribers never post and just take in the analysis.

very interesting! I am going to get that fell for sure. I'll have a new creditcard in no time if I like what i see :) thanks for your reply!