Free Cloud Mining . PAYMENT PROF.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

you just need to register. choose what you want to earn

min. payment 1 USD 1000 DOGE 0.001 BTC


You will receive 0.12% per day from the GENERAL AMOUNT Gh/s, which is in the hands of ALL of your referrals at the time of charging (accruals are made every hour)!



How long you take to reach that payout? Thanks for reply @windofrebel

@forevermia Merhaba ilk önce 1 dolar ödemeye ulaşmak için GHS miktarını artırmanız gerekecek. Ghs miktarınıza bağlı 3 ila 7 gün arasında ulaşabilirsiniz. Ekstra bir işlem yapmanıza gerek yok kayıt olmanız yeterli. // Hello First you will need to increase the GHS amount to reach $ 1. Depending on the amount of Ghs you can reach from 3 to 7 days. You do not need to take extra action.

Thank you @windofrebel

Please keep in mind for the continuance of my artwork

Your welcome my friend