Hé, thanks for your reaction. I didn't call this one out to judge people the wrong way, I just mend you always have to check things first before action......with some proof a lot of them don't. People just hear sweet, soft sounds, but check out the loud ones. So to help people I thought I had to create some loud NOICE.
You're right about "panicky" putting that between the "___". Thing is that I just don't bother about the dollar prices. Coins can go up in dollars only because Bitcoin goes up.............and that's not how you have to play this "game". @haejin told us that Bitcoin could hit the $ 20.000 or more. All you have to do now is make sure you get yourself as much "Bitcoinpoints" you can get............and at the end enjoy the ride Bitcoin makes to his big wave.
So the "panick" was -that besides the charts of the altcoins you have to check-out the charge of the Bitcoin too. If the Bitcoin goes up compared to the dollar, the altcoin compared to this same dollar goes up with it. But.............and this is very very important: The altcoin "points" can go down at that moment, so then you're on the wrong ship and should have been into Bitcoin.
The charts I showed proofed exactly that! The reason why the Bitcoin went up that moment was not because the marktcap went up, otherwise altcoins wouldn't be going down in bitcoinpoints. So, the reason why Bitcoin went up at that moment was because of the percentage altcoins was going down flowing into the Bitcoin. Conclusion: The rise of the bitcoin was managed through sales of the altcoins...................that was my "panic".
So, and I'm only writing this because I agree with your statement to be more helpful:
- 1 Bitcoin can go up because people from "outside" come in. The market-cap goes up
- 2 Bitcoin can go up because people sell their altcoins. The BTC dominance % goes up
Bitcoin down is visa / versa and would make point 3 and 4.
..................and for now: "Is Verge a copycat testing our patients? That my friend is the $ 64 miljon dollar question. .............and at the end: "If you agree with @haejin the Bitcoin goes to $ 20.000 don't look or bother about your altcoins in dollars. Just try to get as much Bitcoin points as you can get, even when Bitcoin is gonna hit $ 11.000 dollar. Eventually it will go to the $ 20.000.
Love and peace,
BTC Chart 28th of december