Dammit Steemit, you're such a bad influence on me.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Steemit was my gateway drug into cryptocurrency. Within six months of joining, I begin trading crypto. And now, I've made the decision to buy a machine to start mining it. Probably Bitcoin.

What machine specs does everyone recommend?


So the more I research this, the more I realize I should not do this. Least of all on Bitcoin.


Argh, so the more I read about this, the more I think I'm talking myself out of it. It just doesn't look worth it. Not even cloud mining.

Not sure that it's financially viable to mine bitcoin at home any more. Energy costs far outweigh the return you get as I understand it.

I hope you're not going to mine BTC for the profit of it, but rather for the fun and the experience! With the current collective hash power of the bitcoin mining farms you won't get much of the pie.

However, some other coins might be very profitable...

And yes, Steem is definitely the gateway drug to crypto. But... Is that a bad thing?

Well, I might have a little extra money to toy with, was thinking of getting an Antminer S9.
Would building a custom machine be a better idea?

Depends on what your goals are, if you're going for it just for the thrill and the experience and the learning part of it, yes, build your own machine. But, if you're looking for a profit, check out this site first, it gives you an idea what to expect in terms of ROI:


i would not go into mining, you can make a lot more with investing in the right ICO's and pre-sales

I've read about this mining too, and in a nutshell people say it isn't really worth it unless you run some kind of mining server farm or whatever.


Honestly, it is one hell of a journey, but if you go to build a costum machine, i think you will learn more than earn! Good luck ;)