It's a legit coin, a good idea, and it's main developer is talented. I don't think it's a scam, if that's what you're wondering.
However.... I might recommend you try not to listen to people that tell you to keep holding any volatile coin long-term. Verge as a coin is going to change in value with rest of the market (the price will drop during a correction and shoot up in a bull market) and as technology, it will only grow as fast as cryptocurrency is adopted. Which is to say: over the span of years.
The urgency and hype one can often feel around the cryptocurrency scene, that it's about to explode and take over the world, largely comes from the trading world. It's good for business to keep everyone pumped up and excited.
The reality is that this tech will be adopted gradually and with much resistance from the powers that be. Not overnight.
From what I could gather, Verge is a small operation and its implementation is contingent on a lot more of the world getting on board with more established coins first, like ethereum and stellar. What does that mean? It could easily go to $1+, but only if the rest of the coin market goes up exponentially was well.
I'm offering my takeaway after holding a lot of XVG over the new year and then on it's way down and listening to everyone else in the Verge HODL community online.
Tonight I bought back in after noticing that many other coins I watch and like have gone up over the past couple days, but Verge was still dormant (I was pleasantly surprised, after buying in, to see Haejin posted this). It will probably run for a bit. Maybe we'll see .16, or maybe it'll really go, but only if lots of other coins are going too.
My advice: ride the waves up, sell at least some of your holdings, buy back in on dips. Look at its chart! Be patient! It It's much harder to lose this way. You might miss a run but at least you didn't hold it on the way down. You can always hold a chunk for the long term if you think it might moon.