Hello everyone!
In the past few days, you might have seen rise and fall of the RUPX coin. But what is RUPX? Will it rise again or will it stay put? For this reason i have decided to watch this coin carefully for the past few days.
First of all, RUPX or Rupaya is a coin aiming for the South Asia, which is pretty much uncharted territory for the crypto currency. It is being activly worked on and the developers are communicating a lot. It has really limited supply of 7,939,394 making it really potent coin in the future. You can find more info and event calendar on their website bellow.
As it was first lsited on NovaExchange, it has fallen to the hands of pump and dump army. And i have to say, tehy were really succesfull... The price went up by 3000% !! Just to fall back down. Right now it is around 580 SAT, but considered everything around the coin, I am expecting much more from it.
It is no secret that it is NOT a new coin. It used to be called just RUP and was unfortunately scrapped back in 2014. Just a few days before the coin was going back up, Rupee has taken ticker RUP leaving some confussion for the Rupaya and leading to the new ticker RUPX. The developers are not trying to misslead anyone and will stay with the new RUPX ticker even though he has rights for the RUP as they want to come to the market with a bad publicity on the plate.
As for the newest info. I have spoken with the developer and hey are already activly trying to get lsited on the Yobit and Coingather. They are also on the pipeline for Conexchange and Cryptopia, so we can expect huge volume soon!
Here you can find the bitcointalk link for the RUPX, developer is answering questions there too! And you can find there the newest update also.
To sum this up, keep an eye on the RUPX, it is not the last time we have heard of it!
Here you can find my analysis of Rupaya coin: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@navigator.david/a-new-cryptocurrency-is-about-to-rise-rupaya