I've been reticent to engage with Steem politics, as I haven't been here a week yet. On my first day, though, I found myself repressing a negative response to @berniesanders.
I still don't know the nature of the conflict, but I don't see this person doing much but crusading against people he doesn't like, and complaining.
His concern seems to be that whales are leveraging upvotes and comments on their own posts so as to accumulate more of the rewards for themselves... that's the way I understood it.
I don't automatically assume this is a problem. People who are heavily invested in Steem with their time, money, and creativity should not labor under some expectation that they give anything away... this is something they have earned the right to measure for themselves, and I appreciate that this is embodied by the blockchain.
It is convenient to refer to such people as "trolls", but it does seem to be an ideological position that isn't quite clear to me yet.
@haejin, what can you recommend as an approach to becoming better informed about Steemit politics?
P.S. - His 21k followers are complete bullshit and most are inactive and have been for months.
If you are receiving this message, you have been flagged for responding to a known scammy piece of shit. Enjoy your dwindling rep. Here is how @haejin supports the community.All these Steem political bickering seems extremely childish to me. All Haejin is doing is posting his opinions, and people upvote him for providing useful content. I don't understand why all these people downvote / care about what Haejin does with what he's rewarded with.
I was suppressing my responses to the trolls, now I'm speaking out. To me, there is no logic in what the trolls are doing. I think it's jealousy of Haejin's success, or a lack of responsibility for their failed investments and bad financial decisions. Most of the trolls are bottom-feeders, who cry about the actual content developers (Haejin, others), while providing absolutely crappy value and content themselves. I've learned a great deal from Haejin. Many people joined Steemit because of his blog. No one joined Steemit to follow @berniesanders. He and his kind are lazy, boring trolls, no better than the bots in a troll farm. Such a shame, but that's the state of the world today.
No shit dude, they attack (down voted) Me so hard they lower Me from (31) to (28) I want'em to... better if I don't say it.
Don't become over-concerned with making money, just now, with Steemit... if you're going to become successful, you'll have to create valuable content, and generate a following. Don't worry that a comment was downvoted. I know that's easier said than done, but just create, to the best of your ability, something positive for Steemit. People will find your work. Do the best you can, and I'm certain you'll gain a good following and some great upvotes. Best of luck!
Tnx dude, I am doing and will keep doing it, but I was frustrated since the joy of getting a few more view power went down by some bad intention gruop of ppl ._. Actually I'm trying to blog at least once a day :)
Upvoting and following. I'm happy to support people who are productive. @berniesanders can eat shit. :) Sorry you were treated that way.
All we really have to do is be intolerant of freeloaders. People who curate but don't create have to be isolated. People like @berniesanders have no power without them.
He surely has eat a lot of shit for the time being, otherwise I don't know how can someone enojy being such a prick xD
And I'm most agreed over the "People who curate but don't create have to be isolated" altough I would change the "curate" for "enjoy critizacing blindly and harassly"
Much love dude, and thanks for kind words <2+1
@gasparcha, that is awesome. Keep blogging. I'm following you and looking forward to your work. I must admit, I'm not a whale here on Steemit, so I don't hold a lot of "power". However, I'm not here to make money, I'm here to do what's right and live. Keep blogging! Don't let these temporary setbacks get in your way, I'm sure you'll find a community that is ready to hear your voice. Just lead the way. Best wishes.
I'll surelly'll keep blogging! people like you made Me want to keep going, I don't care if you are a whale or a minnow, all I care is the support of the person behind the account, just like in life, I preffer people who love what they are and have over what they want and don't have.
Indeed! I'm very new to Steem (I created My account a few months ago just to follow Haejin) but I've started using this platform to blogg and interact last week, for a moment I felt like i rant into the mob, I got 17 downvotes in 2 minutes, I guess We'll just have to learn to live with this untill we figure it out a better way, altought, being honest, I think it'll be tricky
Shows you how crazy this place has gotten ha? You post a very nice question and you're down voted for it
Yep. All we have to do is organize. People like @berniesanders are weak at heart. It will be important to the integrity of the blockchain that creative, productive people connect while the "free lunch" crowd is isolated.
Mutual follows.
Cheers to that, they hert is damaged beyond possible repair.
Edit: I also followed you two <2+1
I'll call it envy, the worst kind of envy, hopefull i feel backed up by the good part of the comunity <2+1