One other idea if you're into longer term investing is buy a smaller amount regularly, for example every couple weeks or month or so. This might spread out profits but it also spreads out risk - you can't predict where the market will go so it evens out over a longer period.
The trend for cryptocurrencies so far has been generally upward despite the wild swings and they're still a very new technology so nobody knows where it's really headed yet. Of course there's still possibility of a major crash but that remains to be seen for the time being.
Standard disclaimer: the above is not investment advice, it is me speculating on investment strategy. Please do your own research before committing your money :)
I agree long term you should hold some, dollar cost averaging it is a good way to go. However for active traders now might be a good time to buy in for alt's.
Yeah that's a fair assessment if you believe the market will go up from here. I personally think there's potential so I'm hopeful, but for the short term I'm not really very sure hence the longer term strategy.