Crypto & Global Debt Bubble Correlation

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Never before has there been so much money in the world economy, and never before has the average debt of countries been so high.


The circular pattern of relentless printing has been leading to an ever sharper inflation curve, driving the cost of goods and services higher while the average working wage's purchasing power is diluted further more.

As most cryptocurrency investors have discovered, the price of digital assets, i.e. bitcoin, can simultaneously go down while the USD value increases.

As the overall liquidity, currently at 155 billion USD, pours into the aggregate cryptocurrency market, these USD % gains of aggregate crypto will increase on a directly proportional basis to inflation, effectively making a basket of mid to large cap (2 billion - 10+ billion USD) crypto assets act as a gaurd against inflation.

The global debt is at over 200 trillion dollars, and the amount of money printing that is required to chase the tail is ever larger, and fast approaching the point where your beer costs significantly more between the time you drink it and the time you pay for it.

To add insult to injury, banks around the world are already, or are preparing to use negative interest rates, effectively charging you to hold your fiat currency.

As fiat currency is transferred to cryptocurrency, banks have less and less liquidity to deal with more and more people going to withdraw their fiat currency.

Unlike fiat currency, cryptocurrency is able to create further money supply without causing inflation, such as demonstrated by the bitcoin / bitcoin cash hardfork, where bitcoin's value wasn't diluted, and a 10 billion dollar market cap for bitcoin cash was created.

As more fiat currency is added to the money supply to cover pre-existing debts, the value of cryptocurrency as a whole will continue to rise at a logarthmic pace.

The question is, what is stopping anyone from just borrowing fiat currency and sitting it in a basket of digital assets to simultaneously degrade the purchasing power of the fiat debt via inflation while appreciating the purchasing power of the cryptocurrencies?