Problems with digital identity today In the past, it was almost impossible to prove their identity around the world on a large scale. Today, with the advent of large identity providers such as Facebook and Google, it's easier to verify identities with third parties around the world. Despite progress, the existing identity management model has several fundamental weaknesses:
Users do not have data
In the digital world where we live, users must trust multiple identity providers with information and provide access to third-party applications to access their identity cards. This model requires us to blindly believe that the centralized identification authority will not misuse our data. At present, almost all third-party applications currently require a certain level of access to your Facebook or Google account. In addition, you cannot control what data you provide to the company. ITRue In a perfect world, users need to control their own identity, and providers must focus on agreeing to certain identity requirements.
Do not openly
Identity management solutions are primarily based on authentication and access control models provided by centralized providers and other authentication applications. In other words, identity is less about what you have access to, and who you are. Also, every time you download a new application or enter a new location, you need to re-confirm and reconfirm your identity. The next generation identity platform must provide an organic model where users can be tested at several vendors.
Google, Amazon, and Facebook know too much.
It's no surprise that Google, Amazon, and Facebook collectively know more about your identity than your government, bank or company. These three companies cover the main areas of our digital life: Internet (Google), e-commerce (Amazon) and social (Facebook). By entrusting these organizations with complete control over our digital identity, we are vulnerable to exploitation in different ways that can benefit companies and governments. For example, a company called Cambridge Analytica has collected 50 million Facebook profiles to attract American voters during Trump's presidential campaign.
To complete some of the tasks above, Itrue combines blocks and biometric technology to improve authentication quality and improve platform security. Thanks to Itrue, users have complete control over their sensitive personal data, and biometric authentication provides safe and unrestricted access to digital assets and even physical objects such as cars or houses. Because Itrue provides notifications about where user data is used, businesses can integrate privacy controls into their applications, helping companies comply with GDPR European rules. By implementing a block-chain approach, for business users who are very confident, in a strong and measurable infrastructure and secure their data entry will come from data theft or data misuse.
The main objectives of this project are; Create a global ecosystem that allows businesses, developers, users and customers to take advantage of data sharing in a decentralized application market. With this platform, users can share data with other users, businesses, and data providers who need it. Each participant receives an ITU token award.
To ensure that each user has control over their own personal data, iTrue will notify platform members how their data is used and how that data can be obtained. In addition, the platform complies with privacy rules, and users are notified of any data requests so that they can approve the request.
The iTrue system will help developers develop solutions based on important privacy, security and security factors. Thanks to its innovative identification features, users in Kryptogeld don't need to worry about security. Not only do developers create decentralized solutions that eliminate the need for fraud programs, they also ensure that your transactions run quickly, efficiently and safely.
What is planned for shipping?
Working with all vendors, Itrue is very active working on an initiative. to provide a new wave of decentralized identity management solutions and provide:
Biometric authentication - A system that recognizes iris, manual veins, and facial functions by real-time detection of user authentication to access large enterprise systems.
Stone storage is a unique data storage function where personal information is stored separately from transaction records and can be divided into different levels and stages. This allows users to determine what information should be shared with which party, so that it fully controls sensitive information, but still enjoys the simplicity and convenience of authentication based on biometric data.
Integration API is a new API for interaction between machines and people who do not need gadgets and that can be used by the public, including commercial companies and new companies. This platform includes blockchain that is permitted at high-speed operations, certain levels of access to confidential information, and the ability to build geo-dependent and geo-independent services.
ID Verification (IDV) - a system that does not require data storage on a personal device. A simple KYC can be implemented through the Itrue platform. Users can go through KYC procedures using their official mobile phone, PC or terminal partners.
In a more practical way, rather than providing broad resolutions for countless applications and services and having their identity data among many providers, Itrue wants to offer people a secure encrypted digital hub, where they can store their identity data and easily control access to it.
iTrue Token Ekosistemi
The iTrue service-based platform allows applications to integrate independent authentication from passwords, gadgets, and plastic cards. The platform will sell user data. More users, customers and developers share and use data on the platform.
Developers can build applications that use micro services like authentication. Users are notified of all requests for their data and receive iTrue tokens when participating in data sharing activities.
By combining biometric identification and blocks, iTrue increases the confidentiality of all user-generated processes. iTrue Limited will develop an extraordinary platform for innovative approaches to how companies create decentralized practices. ITrue's solution is implemented as a revocation service with an integrated biometric data verification system. Distributed platforms support developers and enterprise user authentication, the creation of new chain networks, and the ability to reward users for honest data exchange.
ICO information and tokens
The token used in the project is the iTrue token based on the ERC-20 standard. Token ticker is ITU. The total number of tokens is 8 billion. 60% of them are reserved for the sale of tokens. The price is 1 = 0.01 USD.
Project in the target soft stamp; 7.5 million US dollars; The hard-stamp target is $ 40 million.
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