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eight years ago a programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz made history after he undertook activities that trusted many people as the first purchase using Bitcoin. At that time, he offered 10,000 pieces of Bitcoin online for anyone who could buy him two pizzas.
The offer was received by fellow programmers in London, England. Later, the man phoned a pizza vendor outlet near Hanyecz's residence in Jacksonville, Florida, United States and paid him using his credit card. Then, Hanyecz sent tens of thousands of Bitcoins, with the arrival of two hot pizzas he wanted.
At that time, Bitcoin can be said to be very cheap, its value is still USD 0.008. Now, the most popular cryptocurrency value has jumped dramatically in the range of USD 7,900. If Bitcoin used by Hanyecz is converted by its present value, then the two pizzas will have a price of USD 79.
36-year-old man was to celebrate the historical record. It does so with the employees under GoRuck, its startup which is engaged in bag production and supporting equipment to survive in the wild.
36-year-old man was to celebrate the historical record. It does so with the employees under GoRuck, its startup which is engaged in bag production and supporting equipment to survive in the wild.
"We will have a pizza party at GoRuck to celebrate the moment that we received Bitcoin as a payment method today," he said.
not only initiate purchases using Bitcoin, it also continues to support the use of the digital currency widely by applying it as a method of payment at the startup leadership. This decision also made him follow a number of large platforms such as Valve to Reddit who already apply Bitcoin as a method of payment.
"Bitcoin has become just a hobby.This is a great achievement for me to be able to provide knowledge about Bitcoin to the work environment and make it a payment method on our site," Hanyecz said.
one more activity he undertook to drive the most popular cryptocurrency implementation. In February, he published his experiments when using a technology called Lightning.
The technology, as explained, is made to increase the speed of Bitcoin transactions which every second is only capable of completing seven transactions. This figure is very far adrift when compared with Visa is able to complete 24,000 transactions in a second.
He himself had used it to buy, again, two pizzas. Hanyecz believes that Lightning has the potential to replace credit cards as a method of payment in the future.