
★★★★ Free Lumens In End Of Years ★★★★
30 million lumens are awarded for the third Challenge Build Builder
Free Stellar lumens month-end free deals have been shared now.We will give you 6,500 Lumens to try our payments platform. It will only take you 15 seconds.
NOTE: We will be give to users who have 7 transactions history.
To confirm and receive free stellar lumens visit the link below:

Please read our instructions:
To get free stellar lumens, you must have 7 transactions history.
The bigger your deposit transaction, the more you get the discount stellar lumens. You will get 65% of your deposit amount, ex: if you deposit 10,000, you will get discount 6,500 stellar lumens, If you deposit 100,000, you will get discount 65,000 stellar lumens.

Let's start now before running out of free lumens.
This message was sent by the Stellar Development Foundation,
PO Box 411486, San Francisco, CA 94141, United States