Planet Steem has given me the opportunity to turn my wildest ideas into reality and I am cooking up my next big one.
People often ask the question, "What would you do if you didn't have to work anymore?"
My answer would be: make absurd parody videos kind of like Weird Al.
So, I am documenting this, my new goal to do a parody video of a parody video. Instead of Remy's Bitcoin Billionaire, I am titling my music video, "Steem Queen Millionaire" and instead of the lyrics, "spending money like I don't care", I'll change it to "Delegating SP like i don't care"
Basically, I will be telling my real story of being broke, barefoot, pregnant and semi-homeless (for a few months after moving out of my apartment in San Diego in the recession), living in my parent's basement (it's true) back in Kansas City, and then how I blogged my way out of it.......
I have the basic outline in my head how this will go down and I think @stevenalexander can help me make this into reality. He's got that bizarre sense of humor. Here's Remy's hilarious video that i want to do a parody of:
@stevenalexander and I have been talking a lot IRL about all kinds of stuff, and we share a love for creating videos, absurd ones....yeah. I am dying to make some absurd infomercials with him, for Planet Steem. We can make ones for DTube, DMania, Utopian, Slothicorn, Steemit, Busy, the works.
This is one of his most genius videos, which has me basically dying every time I see it:
Imagine us working together.....mixing his bizarre characters with something like this, from my Steemicide Hotline video ideas:
You really need to see this very first Steemicide Hotline video, @stevenalexander, because it basically defines the recipe for creating humor on here: revealing the pain of being a newbie and not getting noticed, or any upvotes.
I'm working on this as well as @slothicorn, but this music video idea is taking up most of my energy.....................@stevenalexander is also helping me by doing personal training, as I have concluded that 2018 is the year i get ripped. LOL. By 2019 I want to be swimming in the Galopagos Islands, or Puerto Rico, since I heard Brock Pierce is creating a crypto city there.......I want to be healthy again.....
This music video will take months! By the summer, it will be done.....

You don't need to ask permission to use my GIFs in your posts. Also, all my blogs are free to translate into foreign languages. You can translate them without asking permission, just put a link to my original Please feel free to use my Steem GIFs, as I made them for our community:
pss- I will give Steven a cut of this post since his video is in it....
I'm the founder of @slothicorn and our mission to make cryptocurrency go mainstream through Creative Commons Cryptoart. Join us!
Official Slothicorn Links

Enter our art contest, deadline is Feb. 14 with a prize of 50 SBD! :
Join us in our Discord channel to learn more about Slothicorn and how you can become a part of this creative and vibrant community. We need good writers, artists, programmers and organized people.
We are also launching a program called Universal Basic Income for people who create shitty GIFs. Stay tuned!
@stellabelle lovely post .Wonderful post fellow steemian . thank you for sharing ♥
Tempted to downvote...
Hehehe, delegating sp sounds like a better option but I don't know how it's gonna sound I'm the song though.
It seems to me like everyone passes through this and I am beginning to belive it's just a stage in life and we should all learn to take it easy with ourselves when stuffs like that happenes.
It never lasts forever .
Basically everyone got a story to tell someday it will always make more sense if the story is positive like the one @stellabelle is about dishing out as she live her life from story to glory
Thank you very much for this post. I am wondering your music video which is prepared with @stevenalexander. Maybe you will share a little part of it before summer.
Your followers will be impatient for this.
You are IDOL for most us @stellabelle .
Have a nice day
well, i am an over-sharer, so you better bet your buns I will be sharing tidbits here and there!
Thank you so much i have never used a steem GIF before i think yours would be my first
You got me feeling excited. That was awesome...... You made my day. Lovely post
Wonderful post fellow steemian, love to see more.
Wow! Your life seems very exciting... This is a pretty plan to stay happy... I love your enthusiasm. Please don't lose it!
Funny post, mood! Thank You!
LOL, this is a job Welldone @stellabelle!!
Please do it @stellabelle... Plsssss do it. This will be so interesting and will be a good campaign for this platform too.
I support this idea and it'll be great. Honestly, it'll be.
Thanks for this
Edit: The music video is so funny.
The part he talked about solar flare and then everything went screeching and off... Then he's out begging with a paper wallet bar code and saying he'll settle for anything, even Dogecoin...
The Dogecoin got me 😂😂😂
Well its more like you, it's been days maybe more I'm finally glad you posted.
Well parodies are amaxing, I tell you, and listening to that one over there cracked me opened up, and I'm really glad you had the community at heart that's why you were going to change Remy's parody to suit steem and steemit, and, eh, you can take me with you, I have some pretty bad dance moves to go with the parody 😂😂😂😂😂😂😁
Bitcoin is now a major part of our lives. I like your knowledge and appreciate of it, sir/ma
I think a music video of this caliber with the title delegating sp like I don't care would be cool
Nice ideas cooking up
I love your free style
Its tough world out there as a newbie... just keep blogging and curating and hope one day, just maybe you will be lucky and a whale will swim pass you but till then keep blogging.
Hahaha! Funny idea indeed, you should definitely do it !
This going to be so much fun
Patiently HODL-ing a portion of my internet data for downloading purposes
All the best @stellabelle
Probably the best 'cooking' video I've ever watched. Ok, that's not saying much but he made me laugh! :)
Step away from the keyboard - we know how last posts work out, never the last....
Hey can you get me a whale on the phone? :)
Looking forward to this collaboration, you are both off the wall don't give a shit so its bound to be top notch! :)
Thanks dear! I saw that our sense of humor could collide....I think it will be PURE MADNESS
Sangat sangat mengesankan @stellabelle
Delegating sp like i dont care sounds good.nice post!
Hahahaa $3.62
I need to call the Steemicide hotline too :D
ha ha, the idea of creating a real steemicide hotline is a business opportunity.....
I can be your first caller :D
Everyone loves a good video with lots of humour in it. Just watched the bitcoin billionaire. I bet that QR code at the end of the video is a real bitcoin address. Patiently waiting for the video when it's finally finished.
After reading your post:
I love your GIFs
I need to get fit too
I can't wait to see you parody music video! LOL!
thanks for the upvote susanne! Let's get fit!
Hahahaha, I'm curious how video will turn out considering you don't give a f anymore :D
Haha it will be fun to watch
cheers @stellabelle!
Bitcoin Billionaire! everybody's dream...
I like the video...
I can write maybe Tagalog version for this...
for all Filipino Steemians wants to become Bitcoin Billionaire too...
If you need any music ideas...I'm you're man. :)Best of luck @stellabelle . Sounds great! :)
Weird Stella Bellavic ??
Hmmm! When successful people live their life when they have worked some folks will term it "LUCKY" Now we can see how the wonderful adorable lady is giving her lines and the down times she had and how she came out of it.. Does it sound like shr was lucky? She worked hard to get here, she was deliverate with every single move she made.
"The steemit Queen" like i love to call you. You have paid the price and gotten to this level and I celebrate you big time.@stellabelle
I cant wait for that video to be released because i will be the first to watch it.
You are a role model here and if there is anything i love about you is the very fact that you are keeping it REAL.
Thanks for sharing this..
LOL! Cant wait for the music video, best of luck with it. Keep doing your thing, you are hilarious and inspiring.
Haha would be great :-)
Let me know if you need a mannequin ;-)
Big hug
Hahahaahah funny post ...great
Ahhhhhhh trippen ballllsssssss for dayssss hahah yes yes! Omg @stellabelle the shoutout and feature is sickness. Lol exposing my freak side to the world of steemit whether I like It or not hahaha. This Friday it’s game over.
Wow the steemicide hotline is genius . That was fucking hilarious. We need to collaborate and we can get so much fun crazy shit going. $3.62 payout hahahahah so specific
I love most of all you do. Congratulations on your path. You can do anything you put your mind to. It looks like you are finding others you appreciate and who appear to appreciate you. Hope you are taking time to appreciate and be kind to yourself?
Sounds like you are living the steem dream.
You can surely do it, you just need a good meal plan, 8 hours of sleep everyday and a good workout plan, if you or steven need any help with that i'm able to help, i love nutrition, went from 220lb to 180 in 3-4months, losing all that slower would have been more healthy though
I cant wait for this!!! Legit, two hilarious humans. Steemitcomedy ??? SteemOnScreen? (Sos) lol looking forward too it. Also u can chill in gaultemala with the crew there. Check out @buttcoins hotel del lago
Excellent Post.... You are welcome to Steemit (The best site ever!). If you are multi-talented, you are welcome, and it is a bonus for both parties (You and the Platform)
For multi-talented gifts like you. Chose your niche; I'm happy you have got one (Niche) already. Post daily and earn by having more amazing friends daily; Also, some token awaits you. To be candid, we need you in here.
As a multi-talented blogger, whose exceptional experience is amazing, I would like to share my daily post featuring different niches of blogging. I always claimed STEEMIT is made for me because I'm capable of giving out different services to help grow this platform.
I play football, sing, draw and act comedy. More than that, I’m an expert at drawing, writing, and doing voice-overs.
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