Bitcoin Cash - Everything is in Reverse!?


Let me Drop some very interesting nuggets here. Do with them what you will.

  • Technically speaking BCH - Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

  • Roger Ver is not as crazy as people make him out to be.

  • Craig Write is a lot smarter than almost everyone gives him credit for.

  • Segregated Witness may very well in fact not be the Best Play.

  • What Legal Implications are there in Separating Signatures? Think about Contract Law

  • Who is John Galt? Cough Cough. doesn't really matter.

  • What's Craig Write been talking about recently?

  • What's going on with "nChain"?

  • Maybe Being able to Scale with bigger blocks is not as much of a problem as we've believed it to be.

  • Is it possible the majority in the space of Bitcoin have had it wrong...made a mistakes this whole time...myself included?

  • Bitcoin has "Turing Completeness"???

  • The Sphere of Alt Coins in the Cryptosphere reflects an understanding and awareness of Bitcoin...or lack there of!?

  • TRAGIC COMEDY? Ironies of Agreement - Consensus - Currency Wars

  • Competition and Business? Have we really experienced the Best of the Best? Have we Lived it...Birthed it into Existence?

Buckle Your Seat Belt Dorothy Because Kansas is Going Bye Bye


You bring up some very valid and interesting points brother and ask some very tough, but good questions. To be honest, I have been unable to get any type of a feel where this is going. I haven't had too much time lately but have tried to read what I could on this situation. The whole BTC divergence from the rest of the alts took me totally by surprise. I'm still pretty new to crypto but I have learned one thing, I don't know as much as I thought I did. :)

A very significant realization here Brother.

I appreciate your thoughtful reflection.

Stay tuned - definitely gonna make some more detailed posts about what i see playing on here :)

Been holding since day 1....prior to the fork I intensly listened to the debates and decided BCH was the real bitcoin

Great Call mah man!

I'm gonna have to follow you more closely! lol.


Thanks man, Great article. Haven't posted much crypto lately, started a contest that has a small but loyal following...I'll get back to it, that one was about buying BCH when it was at $200. HaHa. I like ETH and a little LTC as a buy now

I would like to personally thank you @worldclassplayer ... If I hadn't read your blog about Bitcoin Cash and saw the Roger Ver video you shared I would still be one of the Sheeple who blindly followed the Segwit hype...

Cheers @daniel

Something i've realized here though is: just because Bitcoin Cash has 'maybe' the potential to be better than Bitcoin...doesn't mean for sure it's going to happen. Reminds me old vhs video and the other one Beta. Beta was 'apparently' better...yet vhs got mass market adoption.

also - betting on super elite wealth isn't a terrible investment strategy. (blockstream and other)

wisest move at this point is still likely to hold support for both sides - as this insures best possible outcome of support holding for both sides.

From a more riskier position - it would be to bet bitcoin on bitcoin cash.

less risky: turn bitcoin cash into bitcoin. but keep some bitcoin cash.

I loved it!!!

If everyone was wrong, we are in for a wild ride!


  • You have been PROMOTED FREE for using the "bitcoincash" TAG!

  • "thirds rule strategy" You have lately been RESTEEMED in THIRDS by Frank III

bitcoin cash will die soon, slowly but surely tbh

what's your reasoning on that?

From my technical analysis it looks like quite the opposite. A bit of a Black Swan Event here with BCH.

Seems the cat is coming out of the bag about Segwit and Blockstream

In order for it to work, it will need a

lol vwry good

Who is John Galt? Cough Cough. doesn't really matter.


BCH the real bitcoin?

They both share the same original blockchain...

One maintained the bitcoin name and logo since inception, one was created and announced suddenly during a segwit consensus... bitcoin cash is not the same as bitcoin.

That's like a saying a child is the same as their parent. Some things improve, some do not.

That being said, bitcoin cash is a legitimate altcoin with a high demand at the moment.


The unknown entity has been mining close to 95% of all network blocks for quite some time now.

If this post from the Merkle is true (not the only source), then there is a big problem. Which leads me to suspect the reason for the short notice of the BCH release, among other things.

The article goes on to say:

Whoever is mining these blocks on their own could easily perform a 51% attack against the Bitcoin Cash network at any given time.

In summary, those are interesting nuggets, @worldclassplayer. Bitcoin still has problems, which it has survived in the past through mining consensus and will continue to do. Just my two cents.

Great Book.

The unknown person(s) indeed have a strong position and vested interest in Bitcoin Cash. For Better or for Worse, time will tell. My guess is for the Better.

There's a lot of people who are pissed off with the way bitcoin has stalled over the years.

Being Anonymous about the mining...definitely an interesting strategy.

Segwit and bitcoin core (blockstream) is bad for the whole cryptosphere. People are starting to realize the ridiculousness that's been happening for a long while now....years...

My guess is more Big mining interests switch to bitcoin cash.

Thanks for your comment.

Just checked out the post by @adambalm. Very interesting, I'm glad you shared it. Definitely all about scaling and not letting big fiat control blockchain.

Exposes a number of Bitcoin core Developers (Blockstream) here with there direct comments and views - it's bad...

Revealing to say the least...

Awesome. 100%.

I encourage you to post/talk about it.

Bitcoin started as a grass roots movement...then got infilitrated...massive stalling....and the propaganda machine kicked in

All the alt coins have mostly risen out of inefficiency with bitcoin...and the kicker is, if there wasn't so much stalling...infiltration/propaganda/censorship - the development and progression today would be a lot more wow.

it's always a learning process though. Brings up much self-reflection into my own life and my own inefficiencies in processing points...learning lessons effectively. lol.

I respect the argument for larger block sizes and lower fees. However, all Roger Ver argues in this video is that the market share of bitcoin dropped once we hit the full 1 MB blocksize back in march. For each quote.

This could have easily been a 5 minute video.

Since there are valid arguments on both side of the spectrum and the goal is to adopt a decentralized currency worldwide, the focus shouldn't be which is a better bitcoin now.

We should focus on real solutions and have some patience.

For example, we could implement an incremental block size increase over time or under high transaction volumes, then when it stabilizes drop the block size again.

Part of the problem with his charts is the influx of users to the bitcoin network. Of course bitcoin core wants higher fees, they're a business. Same reason bitcoin cash popped up out of nowhere with a massive farm and ridiculously large block size increase.

Thank you for sharing this video. He presented his case emphatically. The case for bitcoin cash has too many red flags for me to get on board that ship, however.

RE: I should post about it.

Thanks for the encouragement. I intend to once I can present an unbiased proposition clearly outlining a plausible solution. That is generally what the BIPs are for.

awesomeness all round. And ya totally - roger's vid could have been like 5 min! lol.

Some reflection I've had in the last day with regards to segwit and blockstream...and off chain settlement and side chains is that it very much creates a "fees market" which from my perspective at the moment parallels into central banking. I've started learning more about BIS - Bank of International Settlements.

It's my opinion at the moment that Bitcoin will likely grow at an ever increasing rate because of the backing and connections into central banking and international finance. Ethereum too for that matter. It seems there's been a lot of behind the scenes planning happening. Will continue to report my reflections as I go.

I definitely enjoy these kinds of exchanges...communications back and forth here as it supports research and education.

Cheers @tunnelrat

I agree with your level of skepticism and research. It's the only way to get to the bottom of it and be able to make informed decisions.

Hopefully, we get enough talent and enough money doing just that; which I believe will happen. Some compromise is inevitable, immediate compromise is not necessary.

This has been a good conversation @worldclassplayer. Looking forward to seeing more developments.