
Fuck Christine Lagarde, fuck her monetary funding, fuck never standing for something, fuck abandoning your brethren, fuck Bel Air, fuck the Hamptons, fuck what happened to Bright Barden, fuck accidents happen! fuck burning Chris Dorner alive in the cabin, fuck the Albuquerque police murdering people for Camden, and fuck the Albuquerque police captain for backin um, and fuck his retraction, fuck words, men speak with they actions! fuck the corporations illegally purchased, fuck feeling totally worthless, fuck planned obsolescence in everything that you purchase, fuck empty wallets, and fuck empty purses, fuck no jobs in the cities for workers, fuck the local political circus, its not workin! fuck Halliburton, fuck preferential Government contract distribution, fuck ethical confusion, fuck that, they know what they doin, fuck class, it's cool to be stupid, fuck the Common Core curricular movement, fuck budget cuts to arts and music, fuck not knowing words or how to use them, fuck passively ignorant students, fuck parents to busy to tutor um, fuck the collapse of the family unit, and fuck the Aurora Colorado shooting, fuck the Global Warming myth, and fuck the Inconvenient Truth surrounding it, fuck the companies that positioned themselves to make money off of it, fuck carbon offsets for profit, fuck Al Gores obnoxious, just fuck the Matrix and fuck being lost in it, fuck heroine, and fuck oxycotton, fuck Dennis Rodman and fuck Michele Bachmann, fuck Google Glass for always watchin, fuck schemin and plottin, fuck dying old alone and forgotten, bone growin mold in a coffin, fuck being too hard or soft and, fuck being to cold to blossom, fuck the Californication of Austin, and fuck the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman! fuck what they did to Michael Jackson, fuck predatory Scientology brainwashing, fuck being still over in Afghanistan, and fuck the UN Agenda 21 plan, fuck not learning from our mistakes when we make um, fuck kicking the same damn can down the same road again, fuck being cattle, fuck our controllers, fuck letting these mother fuckers control us, fuck dying young, but fuck getting older!

Its a little bit dated that video.. more recently 'they' have started adopting blockchain technology. As I suspected they will jump on board or get left behind. [they will try create their own coins]. A quick search for recent news articles will show you this.

No one stop bitcoin
Bitcoin likes an air it will never stop