You invest in Apple stocks to help finance that company and because the company produce something.
You invest at Bitcoin because the is a demand and a limited supply, just like gold.@jamesfredericks most of the financial markets are not pyramids. Financial markets have the objective of investing investors money into something that is believed to be worth.
Now... Bitconnect it's just the miracle of the multiplication!
And I referred to Warren Buffet just because he is the richest person in the world doing "only" 14%. If those Bitconnect founders do 1% a day, why they are not in the Forbes cover?
OK so you mean to tell me the stock market is not a pyramid scheme? Thats hilarious, so when an IPO of a tech company going public(lets say facebook, twitter or google for an example but the list goes on and on) goes to all the big banks and special mega rich and their celebrity friends for pennies per stock and by the time it gets to Joe Blow Bluecollar for 87 dollars a stock, that is not a pyramid scheme? Please. Just stop it. To your last point I say this, whether Bitconnect is a scam or not a scam, is a pyramid scheme or actually happen to stumble upon the greatest trading algorithm known to man(yea right). WHO CARES, the fact is, IT IS WORKING RIGHT NOW and making people tons of money. So I say why not take advantage of that, be smart about only putting in money you are willing to lose, and roll the dice and make as much money as you can for as long as Bitconnect is in operation. That is how I see it, i'm taking advantage of whatever it is, and it is making me money (and i dont even use referrals). So ride the gravy train as long as you can. If you keep reinvesting and take advantage of compounding the interest you could get out with a nice chunk of change. Or the site could go down indefinitely next week. Who knows, but it does work now so roll the dice and try and get your piece.
Hey @jamesfredericks, I'm not judging anyone. I already invested in a ponzi, knowing that it was a ponzi. I agree, who cares?! However, you have to assume that their operation is... odd!
Never assume. You know what happens when you assume? You make an ASS out of U and Me.
If we only listen to Warren Buffet then we should not even invest in BTC!
The intrinsic value of anything comes from the "perceptions" that it has tangible or intangible values. Because we used to putting our money into a saving accounts and get 0.1% monthly doesn't mean such a 1% daily can't exists. What banks do to your savings is to also invest in different securities but what they give you is nothing. Bitconnect and banks both invest (or speculate) in securities (stocks vs BTC respectively) but the difference between the two is that Banks don't give you anything on your saving money.
Coumpond interest of 1% means that if you invest $100 after one year you will have $3,594.96
Hypothetically you're correct. But technically Bitconnect don't allow you to re-invest daily unless you have at least $10 in your lending wallet. check my post on this:
So if I put $10 in my lending wallet what do they promise you ?
Come on dude you know this is a scam and you are trying to justify it.
check my new article: