How are you sure these "big dogs" aren't getting kickbacks from Bitconnect on the side to keep large sums locked in and keep the illusion alive?
Companies like this are not below paying off people in social media to promote their scam. Sure they may have 100k locked in and show it off in their wallet.... but maybe Bitconnect wrote them a cheque for 300k.
Even better - maybe it's possible that the devs of bitconnect gave him a special account that just shows off large sums so he can use it to impress people and get referral money.
If you don't think it's possible for someone to be working directly with Bitconnect I don't know what to tell you.
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Lol no need to eat catfood man, I'm not sure of anything accept I'm receiving my money everyday. Thats the only thing I'm sure of. Will it last, who the hell knows. I'm not sure if any of this will last. As far as Bitconnect creating these special accounts and paying people off to show fake amounts of money in order to bring the masses in, sure anythings possible. What I won't say is it will or won't last because I can't see the future. People said bitcoin won't last too.
Thanks man, much appreciated!