Cool theory, I'd very much like to think it's true just cause I have a meager amount invested on it as well. If I lose it, no worse than an normal trip to the casino
To clarify on the above though, would this theory kind of mean that the volatility bot they mention doesn't do or need to do much in reality? In my head I always think back to a trader betting against the VIX (S&P Volatility index) but I think crypto has enough ups and downs that BTC itself could out swing the VIX.
With that said, I haven't charted it or anything, but just from daily viewing of coinmarket cap, BCC and BTC very much tend to move together. Can't help but wonder if they could hedge by doing something like shorting BTC with some of the investment to return funds whether BCC increases or BTC falls, or is this a strictly - as long as BCC is on this crazy steady upward trend, we're all good.
Hi, I think the trading bot is more likely to not exist however trading bots do exist and people do use them. It is entirely possible they have their own that does work but if they do I assume they would keep it somewhat secret so the whole world doesn't know.
I too haven't exactly looked at BCC vs BTC however it seems to me that BCC is on a steady increase regardless of BTC as more and more people are buying up BCC to invest. WHile this is occuring I think the BCC price will continue to rise against BTC.