My Bitconnect Journey:
So as of today I have been invested in the Bitconnect lending platform for 21 days, this afternoon I will receive my interest from day 21, but due to time constraints I thought I'd post now while I have time.
So far on my journey I have received what I would consider a HUGE amount of interest returns from my investments. My total investment returns amount to $282.50, which has come from my initial investment of $1,100 USD and my daily interest re-investments. And perhaps I should add that I have reinvested most of my daily interest, but not all.
Where will Bitconnect go from Here?
No one knows, but I am happy with the program and my confidence in their lending platform continues to grow. My confindence has been recently bolstered by annoucements like the BCC Pay card because that will garner new fees which will add to Bitconnect's sustainability, and also BTC's recent resistance of the BCH push for dominance has me newly encouraged that BCC will continue to thrive along side BTC.
In fact, I am confident enough that I chose to invest another $310 USD today.
My Total Investments:
$1,610.00 USD
Total Interest Earned:
Are you Curious?
If you are interested in Bitconnect, my thoughts on the coin, it's future, or how the platform can be sustainable then read some of my other posts on the topic.
I am happy with this product but I understand, as you should, that this investment is more risky than many other crypto-currencies. The 1%+ I have been receiving is NOT guaranteed, and could theoretically stop anytime. More over, as we have seen, lending platforms can disappear and the investors can be left at a loss. So if you want to know more, do research, or ask questions, but don't invest because I did.
Having said that, if you do want to invest I'd be happy to be your "sponsor", thanks.
As always, I appreciate the up-votes, comments and I wish you good luck.
God bless.
You know what I have found to be the major difference between many of the "Success" posts regarding Bitconnect and the majority of the posts that are calling it a scam/Ponzi scheme?
The success stories are stating the facts based on their personal experience, while the haters are stating their opinions as facts without any personal knowledge. And that is very frustrating.
Great job on the post and I wish you nothing but great prosperity in your Bitconnect journey.
Thanks. And you are so right. Haters say things like "its too good to be true" but they never even tried it and they cant explain how and why it does seem to work despite all their doubts.
Will it end someday? Everything does. Will it end tomorrow I sincerely doubt it because they are making a LOT of money.
Good luck to you too.
Nice job! =) Do you got a sponsor?
If not, please add me on the left side under management tools and profile as your sponsor. Sponsorname: balesch
Thank you very much :)