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RE: The ShitConnect Ponzi Train Can't Be Stopped (The Ugly Truth Inside)

in #bitconnect7 years ago (edited)

A lot of the automation used to manage websites can in fact be factitious in various ways. Using "bots" to either track currencies, manage them, and the hardest part for any investor to do is to trust that the software is going to perform to the highest moral standards, AND NOT TRY TO RIP YOU OFF LIKE IT'S GOING OUT OF STYLE.

We live in a world where individuals are so thirsty, and will do anything to get ahead at the expense of others. That pisses me off when people are used and taken advantage of especially when it comes down to invest your hard earn cryptocurrency assets into what you'd believe to be honest escrow services, or any "so-called" startup businesses that pitch all the right signs and signals in front of the victim's face (victim meaning consumer of course), and they could wind up falling right into a Ponzi Scheme that takes whatever money they pitch to it upfront, then the service promises you a money back guarantee in 30-days only to wind up going offline suddenly, or the site address mysteriously changes, you know B--LSHIT LIKE THAT..

Even Ryu's says that particular word in a street fighter battle round as he blasts out his famous "Shoryuken Fireball" which honestly sounds a lot like "THAT'S B--LSHIT", and that I feel is what the majority of these crypto service, and startup sites are pushing these BOGUS A-- ponzi schemes toward innocent consumers who are just looking for a better way to build wealth HONESTLY.

One extra added step of protection against online schemes, is checking out scam report sites, one I like is called


There are certainly a lot of fly by not ponzi schemes going on right now and a lot of them being promoted on CoinMarketCap .....etc.

Sometimes I will see all the ads showing 3 different scams.