Hey @GrumpyCat!

This is the last encounter I am having with Michael because he has shown clearly that he is unreasonable, he does not want to actually hold any form of public discourse over this flag war, and he frankly doesn't want the flag war to end. He actually is feeding off your hard earned success.
See, he is simply using your flag war to gain a stronger following. This is entirely a political act, because if he wanted you to stop flagging people, he would be willing to have an open and public discourse such as the one he initially agreed with.
Anyways, he's gone on a flagging roll against me thus completely censoring anything I have to say. Thankfully, he didn't use his bots (it's bad for his business) and thus the values are minimal. I would greatly appreciate if you could end the censorship again with a minimal upvote. I'm not trying to suck VP away from your or your campaign and I am not looking for a free handout on votes. I simply don't want to be hidden. So, if you could kindly upvote with 1% or a fraction of a percent to unhide these comments, I would greatly appreciate it. I am also fine with tossing you the SBD values you upvote with if that would help you out.
RIP our beloved companion to Grumpy Cat, Keyboard Cat
I spent considerable time looking into your efforts (most my knowledge came from very biased sources against you) and I have switched my position on your campaign from moderate to in support of.