How I Lost $2,410.00 Using Bitconnect

in #bitconnect7 years ago

I invested $200 into bitconnect when one Bitcoin equaled $1,000 at the time that was 0.2 bitcoin.

Currently I have earned $390.00 plus I'll get my $200.00 initial investment back. Making my total $590.00.

That 0.2 Bitcoin I used to start this loan is now $3000.00...

Do the math... I lost bitcoin but made money. It's a stupid scam!!!

I'll never be able to buy back my bitcoin...


I'm in the same boat.. man, I wish I had just HODL'd my BTC :(


I did something similar with 1broker

Alright. Let's see how my markdown skills are...

Here's the link if the gif doesn't post. I love the internet.

Great video!
your Bitconnect video is clair but what if your contract would be life time would you have the same opinion?

Yeah. That'd be worse...

yeah i share the same view with you. I think ICOs and trading seems to be the best bet

At least it was not a "fortune". A good lessons learned which for sure made you sharper. Have a good day buddy!

I guess the real question here is what do you think about BitconnectX lol.

There is no info on it lol just a count down

@jordanmyers420 It's been noted that issuing a coin is often a stall tactic used by HYIP operators, as a means to pump new money in before they close shop. Guess we'll find out what happens. PS - Love the avatar.

haha I bet not big on lending platforms myself.. Guess we shall find out.. Thanks man love me some rick and morty !

Of course Texas just ruled Bitconnect needs to cease and desist operations. Same thing happened to USI Tech a week ago and USI Tech just completely shutdown US & Canadian distributors. The same thing will happen to Bitconnect SOON.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

You received a bitcoin from Craig Grant the biggest Bitconnect promoter , Right??

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment