totally agreed bro! this is an excellent article! everything is scam and bubles until you see that shit works! LOL ...did you noticed now, after that proof of capital release... now you even get a 4% upvote from a whale... and before they put down your posts! ironic! 😁😁 keep them coming! 💪 resteemed+up up
PS: wonder which is the Biggest Ponzi Scheme in the World? yes! our current Money System, with $ created out of thin air, and backed by nothing! so yeah! in that sense everything is a Ponzi! 😉;)
@kintar0 I didn't want to go there, but isn't me or is that pyramid on the back of the US Dollar trying to tell us something??
hehehe true that bro! only the "blind" cant see that evidence in plain sight! ;)
Thanks man. I just woke up and seen what this article did overnight. You bring up great points. I was nervous to even write an article about Bitconnect or put bitconnect as a "tag" given how my channel started out with being flagged like that simply for posting my own videos. This is why I put "THIS ISN'T ADVERTISING OR SOLICITATION" in bold in hopes that people who dont like the subject will respect that I have freedom of speech. My other videos werent even advertising or soliciting, but im glad I can talk about a subject that I really like with fellow Steemians. And yes, creating money out of thin air and taxing people for using it is beyond Ponzi. That's financial Slavery.
true bro! couldn't say it better! its financial slavery at is best!