Has anyone received their bitconnect loan back?!

in #bitconnect7 years ago

On May 20th I invested 340 dollars BTC into Bitconnect coin(BCC) at 12.56 a coin. I probably didnt do enough research but it seems to be working great! All of the main posts here on steemit say its a scam but has anyone ever used it? Check this out!

Here shows my starting investment. Also The first time I hit the reinvest button and an additional $20 was loaned out that I had earned off of the daily lending profits. Lastly you can see where I took earned Bcc from my lending wallet and exchanged it for bitcoin

 Here I sell my bcc then send my btc to my bitpay debt card to be spent.

This will probably be the last time using my bitpay card because they do not support BIP 148, I didn't know this until recently and the fees are stupid high like 5 bucks loading 30 dollars!!

This is where I bought gas, water and sushi. So the only thing I need to know that its not a scam is if you actually get your loan back. If I do my 340 dollar or 27 something bcc tokens will then be worth 1000 at todays prices. I also don't see why anyone will ever sell this token that can make you this much money it seems like everyone buying it is loaning it out and locking up for at least 120 days.  Seems to be adding up!

Im not saying its not some sort of scheme and one day the Bcc price drops and some people get fucked but ay that happens every day, its looking real nice though if I throw 10k in and get it back in 4 months with 12k profits and cash out back to the mighty Btc

 Thoughts? What could cause a crash? If everything is going good why would they take the money and run? I really don't know hopefully someone can explain! Someone tell me some technical shit that proves it wrong or I might just throw a big chunk at this n hold my nuts for 4 months!


i think its funny how steemians flag and down vote you when you mention anything "bit""connect " they even have employed bots specifically for this. I like steemit, but to me this shows weakness

I know someone who has loaned some amount on Bitconnect, she did get her principle refunded at the end of 299 days.

sure you do. and you are the only one? seems real.

LMAO are you retarded I have on 120 days and 179 days .... And if you want more proof go look at youtube you idiot its been out for over a year OFF COURSE people have otherwise there will be a barrage of complaints all over the place. SHow me one real person who didn't get his principal back... THis post has been Hidden from Steem most likely why you haven't seen more people

Much like fight club, we don't talk about Bitconnect here. You'll get downvoted more than likely. But many have used it and have had much luck, its one of those buyer beware situations. I don't know of anyone who has had their loan out for the 239-299 time frame as yet. Best wishes.

lmao! ahah thanks for the heads up! All mighty whales dont downvote, my shit will probably go negative! ill keep this dirtyness off the steem I promise!

ha wow look at these punks down voting my shit, why don't you step up and say something? Your so offended by what I said to down vote? Id like to hear what you have to say, Im asking a question in this post. fucking hilarious it can be censored like this

Lol don't you understand that no one wants to have this garbage on steemit and no one gives a shit if you lose all your money bitch... also you sound like you are ten yrs old and any reputable company would not do any business with a 10-year-old you fucking bitch

Ive seen Proof over 20 people have and I have withdrawn quite a bit. in 70 days Ill be able to withdraw if i please or wait another 80 days and make a million , hmm what shall i choose

You shall choose nothing, because that's what you are getting in return.