Start Lending On Bitconnect (BCC)

in #bitconnect7 years ago

i started lending on bitconnect with an investment of $1020
and it gives me average profit of 1.2% on my investment every day
and you can also reinvest into bitconnect to earn profit on daily basis

use my referal to get 3-5% guaranteed return on your investment.
my bitconnect sponsor id: rishav851133
use this link for direct referal signup:




While it may not be a scam in your opinion, it could be considered spam. Spam is not appreciated by the community and could be flagged or may result in action from the cheetah bot..

Some things that can be considered spam:

  • Banner ads of any kind
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Nice one man i will try it too.....

use my referal id :-

3% guaranteed cashback on your investment

Where do you see a guarantee of 3%? Reading the terms of service, there is no guarantee of anything. In fact, there is no guarantee of any daily percentage rates, there have been many at 0.00% Depending on the amount of the loan, you get a bonus % of between 0.1% and 0.25%. This is the only thing even close to a "guarantee". That being said, I am also participating in the Bitconnect lending platform and it has had an average daily % of 0.96% + bonus% (which is pretty darn good), I just don't believe it is best to be stating a "3% guaranteed cashback on your investment".

i will send only referal amount
if i get 7% then i send 5% and i totally gain 2% and you get 5%
whats wrong in this.
thats my guranteed
if you trust me then do otherwise leave...

that’s the company conditions that you will get 0-2% interest on daily basis. the interest varies daily and i get 0.9% on average daily basis. if you use my referal i will gift 5% of your investment.

nice man.. i will also give a try.

yeah ! dont forget to use my referal id :-

Great 👍👍