If the USD collapses this September/October, what happens to BitConnect or Control-Finance Payouts ?

in #bitconnect8 years ago


First off, I am invested in Bitconnect.

I am thinking about putting another 700 on the 150 I have in there now not doing to much, my goal is to get over 1000 asap so i can start daily compounding.

One problem.

I believe the USD will falter / fail / Crash this Sept./Oct. time frame.

And I'm not trying to debate that, what I am trying to understand better is how that specific-scenario would impact people in the US who are invested in Bitconnect specifically, and there or others, like Control-Finance.

If the dollar tanks, where does that leave us since both programs take in BitCoin and Pay out USD...

Please try to stay to the point, I really want to know how people will do in such a scenario.

Would people loose all their investment money, would these companies have to change their payout currency ?

What are the upsides and what are the downsides that you can think of.



Thanks for posting. Good job!)

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