Unlike you, I have actually invested into bitconnect (640 dollars worth) and pretty much lost it all. Am I sad about it? No, kind of happy that I did. You have to understand that to learn something you have to take a risk in something. Of course, I took a big risk and pretty much crashed and burned pretty hard. Will I ever stop learning more about cryptocurrencies and other techniques to earn it? No, only a fool would stop. Right now, ever since the whole bitconnect shutdown thing, I started to learn more about trading actual currencies (thats kind of what bitconnect said they do once you lend your money to them). I started on Binance and made about 20 dollars. Without bitconnect, I don't think I would have had the motivation to learn more about cryptocurrencies. Now, for the people who think I'm either dumb or stupid to invest into bitconnect, yea I was. But, you have to realize that even though bitconnect was kind of a ponzi scheme, just like this article on steemit, this system was made to help everyone and not the few people who gamble the system and take it to their advantage. Now for the people who invested in the last 3 weeks, they pretty much lost their money, but we shouldn't lose hope. Talking to a few investors online, they all said that when they had a loss they always kept the coins. 9 times out of 10 the coin would shoot up in value and sometimes higher than what they expect. Now for the time for that to happen is basically infinite, but it is possible because of several factors.