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RE: Stop yelling at Bitconnect!

in #bitconnect7 years ago

I was in bitconnect and the program was great, my first introductory to the program was from Trevon James, then Mr. Grant, but also I did a lot of my own research also watching i would imaging over 70 videos to understand what i was getting into. I was actually a few months away from making that income that i was so eager to make for years, but all of a sudden this happened(shutting down). I was upset of the news but the difference is things happen, that does not make it a scam it just happens. I thank bitconnect and others for introducing me to crypto curreny, which has opened my eyes to multiple other platforms, and the information i need to diversify and work for that life I want. Althought bitconnect didn't survive, It was great while it lasted and i don't blame them for anything that has occurred. ( Also i don't blame any sponsors for it, they work hard just like we did to make the life we wanted)