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RE: BitConnect... trading bot?

in #bitconnect8 years ago

I am developing a trading bot - if my bot made me 1% a day, I would try to get others to invest and receive ROI's but I'd take some fees :sunglasses:

If I started a company, I'd try to get people to invest and promise ROI. If I started a blockchain, I'd have an ICO. Hopefully that statement is indicative enough of the nature of this situation.

I only really have like ~$100 in bitconnect at this exact moment, so I'm not really touting their praises but so far I've been able to receive a balance and withdraw it . I'm really just trying to play devil's advocate though. If we're going to focus on scam vs. legit, let's focus on something with less actualized results, like CHC - one (likely artificial) spike of price and 0 testable proof of concepts.


It's best not to give ponzi's the benefit of the doubt. The reason being is these things target gullible people unlike yourself, and then they'll go dumping 40k to 100k into the thing right before it implodes. Then we'll have to see a parade of news articles and interviews about how taken advantage of they were. Then the regulators might pick up the trail, and start focusing on legitimate operations like Steemit that are "suckering people in".... since they would be unable to catch the real criminals, they would have to catch someone! Only the honest people are left to catch so that's where government would look first. It's better to not like these ponzis get this big. See my other article which alleviates all doubt about it being a ponzi.

In the end, this thing will draw more negative media attention and will draw more regulators, once it implodes. Regulators have to protect us against ourselves, and apparently the government was right in this assertion because the size of bitconnect is proving the world can't take care of itself, we need a big brother to dictate our lives to us because the average person is highly irresponsible.

There is no trading bot that will make you 1% a day every day, its fictional.