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RE: Bits and Pieces -The Year of Crypto. What's a "Petro?" Un Pedo?

in #bitsandpieces7 years ago

Gouvernements are freaking out and they are going to try to put something during the G20 , our economical systems living on debt is coming to end some way or another , people do not want to live like this anymore , knowing that banks have total power and that our politics will do all it takes to keep up this way of doing . In 2015 during a labor day , our gouvernement voted a law allowing banks to take from people’s savings to save themselves if needed . I had posted the fact with links to all articles that pointed to it . And what was the mainstream reaction ? Fatalisme. As we could do nothing about it ...... So today I am happy cryptos existe , I am happy that at last mainstream media talks about it . At last people seem to be reacting . When I started talking about btc a few years ago , all I could hear was that is criminal money , no one talked about the fabulous technology behind it . Why ? Btc has become popular because the media has « advertised « it as high money making ...... They are paying attention now , and they can be receptive to learning the technology behind thanks to blogs, youtubers , speakers , this whole crypto community that is being finally heard and followed .


Correct you are. I stopped using banks years ago. I actually don't see a need for them. They are far more risky than the price changes in crypto.

I posted yesterday an article on the Europeen central bank and their desired regulation .....