
Hi friend thanks for sharing i am accumulating bitshares for 3 year target of 50$.

You're sharing premo content on the regular & it needs to stay on the viral list.

Added the discord chan right away, thanks for the news :)

thank you very much guys for moving the hangouts to discord. a great improve IMHO as i can listen and participate throw any device and not just windows. was able to do it from my linux notebook today, very appreciated.

browser, pc app or android - all work well :)

preparing dsound audio upload for tomorrow

I didn't see that earlier (ShubZ) 😅

You're sharing premo content on the regular & it needs to stay on the viral list.
I'll get my wife and brother to curate as well. Sharin the love. ♥️ Thanks and praise. 🙏Stoked on the @bts discord channel! Looking forward to that #dsound post also need to adjust my curator so your posts are prioritized and upvoted as they should've been.

I learn something from your to read it.
Thanks for sharing important post