The new UI changes are great and did a lot in terms of user friendly interface, so here's how you can set your proxy
But first, what's a Proxy?
1 BitShares = 1 Vote in the governance system of BitShares. Means every BTS holder can vote for Blockchain Stability (Good Witnesses) or for Development work (such as the UI Worker). However, it takes time and knowledge to follow the ever changing network, for most HODLers it's too much.
They can delegate their Votes to one single account, the Proxy. Proxies are usually holders and users of the system with deep roots and knowledge.
Here's how it's explained in the wallet:
You may choose to not be active in the governance of Bitshares. If this is the case, it's important that you choose someone in the Bitshares community who you identify with and set that entity as your proxy. This gives them to the power to vote on your behalf with your BTS shares backing their vote. This is similar to electing a representative.
How to Vote
- Click
- Click
- Enter Proxy
- Click
- Confirm!
If you want to vote for me, delegate your votes to fav
- and make sure to check my profile out if it fits your ideals Proxy: fav - Journal
Click Here to checkout more proxies.
Don't have a BitShares Account? Get one ASAP!
The new design looks amazing, they are slowing growing the decentralized market making easily for people to use it
Thanks for sharing
Thanks information
After set a proxy, if you have a few changes you'd like to make to the proxies voting can you do so or are you stuck with the proxies voting?
you can either contact the proxy to think about your proposal OR you have to vote completely for yourself
Good information
thanks for the post! you may want to update the link for the "about" section (2nd column) to direct to the vote profile page.
about section? could you elaborate please
so no more short lists of proxies?
any account can be a proxy, so it made little sense to show a hardcoded list in my opinion
Hi @ash, I like your posts. Thank you!!
hi, is there any payout for this, I mean by setting up the proxy? or what can I get?
you don't get paid for voting actions in any case