
Were there any UI changes/customizations that you had in mind?

Sorry about the delayed response. I could have sworn I answered this question over a week ago - I definitely wrote a response, so I'm not sure what happened...
There's a couple things that I'm interested in accomplishing. Preventing markets like BTS:bitCNY or BTS:bitUSD from flipping their pairs into bitCNY:BTS. Inadvertant flipping of the BTS:bitCNY pair has nearly cost me money recently (with the two near a 1:1 parity, it's a recipe for bad trades) is a big one.
I also think it would be quite useful to be able to stick a BTS:bitCNY ticker in the navigation panel at the top, right next to Deposit/Withdraw - although ticker for the same pair from an external exchange would be even more useful.
I think there was something else, but if so, I don't remember it right now.