A few things need to happen
Income sources need to be a part of this system otherwise your just bleeding the value dry with your automated sells each month
Better communication and managment needs to be done on the project so we as investors and users know whats coming up and what we are supporting (This is one thing I hate about dpos is that all users do not get a say only a few
Put up and shut up now is the time to put in the overdrive and grease your elbows. I think everyone around here including leaders got a bit to lazy with all the money coming in instead of getting things done.
All true, and I hope the SMT project now has some momentum and will actually be completed - and functioning.
Look at the "Destiny fiasco"; had Ned just said, "we are building a flagship SMT", then that would have been greeted as great news. Instead, we see a "secret" squirm out and met with incomprehension and concerns.