I'm sorry...but if one wants to be a "spokesperson" for a product and lets a situation like this cause them to "run away"...then...they aren't the person I thought they were to begin with...
Do I blame Stan for BTS value decreasing? Perhaps a bit...just like his positive promotions may have helped increase the price at times....how much did it impact price? Probably little...but just like major league coaches...they unfortunately get too much credit when winning and too much blame when losing...it goes with the territory...
As far as Arise goes...I admit...it was an exciting concept...one that could become a reality down the line...and I did invest some in that token somewhat based on some association with Stan and BTS....did I misread that association? Not necessarily....I just assumed...wrongly it appears...that Stan knew enough about these folks to somewhat vouch for their plan and I trusted that...unfortunately it appears it was run by individuals who hyped more than helped the concept...so perhaps Stan was duped himself...I'll never know...for me...its just another crypto lesson learned...