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RE: Should I buy Bitshares? Need your help!

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

I think BTS is a no brainer right now. Technologically, it's faster, cheaper(fees wise), and actually decentralized. More so than pretty much everything out there on all 3 right now.

  1. There's no government agency that will be able to knock on the door of the server warehouse for the DEX, because there is no centralized server warehouse.
  2. It could handle literally every credit card transaction in the world right now. Where as ETH is getting bogged down by digital cats. (crypto kitties)
  3. Bitshares has bitAssets, which has collatoralized pegged assets. So think of all the printing of USDT, Tether, which is happening. Someone can't just create bitUSD, it has to be backed by actual Bitshares 2:1.
There are dozens of other reasons I have become a huge proponent but I think if you dive in, it will be clear.