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RE: No names, no amounts. Bitshares' Stealth Transactions - [PROPOSAL]

in #bitshares9 years ago

Bitshares Munich has become a seriously massive credit to the entire Bitshares community! I believe that by introducing stealth transactions the Bitshares platform has an exceptional future ahead of itself.


Yes we are pulling all the different features together to build a great platform. Point of Sales, Mobile Wallets and Stealth transactions will be the fundament how we pay with digital currencies in our everyday life.

First of all, great work, guys !!

Very happy to see that STEALTH has not been forgotten - I have always thought that the total transparency was one of the big things holding #bitshares back.

Without privacy we cannot live a life of dignity, to me it is absolutely unquestionable that this right should not transpose to financial privacy.

Time to empower the people !