Good news to every Bitshares holders out there AriseBank is giving every Bitshares account holder for 1:1 ratio for your Bitshares to their ACO. This is to show everyone that AriseBank is true to their word about the alliance of Bitshares and AriseBank. For those who haven't created an account yet, simply click this link to create your AriseBank account https://ico.arisecoin.com/?arise-ref=docmastery. Next is going to AriseBank telegram group chat and look for Evgini Grinberg to help you process your payments. This will last up to january 26, 2018. For everyone's information AriseBank is price at $1.40.
In their telegram group you can also asks about the what's AriseBank, current status of their project and what's true and what's not true about AriseBank.
It's always up to you weather to contribute or not. This is not a financial advice. Invest at your own risk.
This is the link to AriseBank telegram group chat
Don't you think it seems kind of off for an ICO to ask less than 1/3th of the normal price... Better to keep your Bitshares, wait for it to flourish, and not buy into this Arise-scam having red flags all over the place.
Do you have any proof that AriseBank is a scam? I'll answer you head on provide me information AriseBank is not a scam. Don't post something without any proof.
There's plenty of things off when it comes to AriseBank, but this guy did an astonishing job on its due diligence.
Wow @droucil, thanks for that. First off that is some serious due diligence, if people did half as much work with their own DD a lot less would lose their $$ to scammers.
As for Arise bank and the points this guy brought up, there seem to be too many to ignore. It almost seems like this guy was part of the project at some point (just a supposition). It does not look good for Arise bank according to this guy and I am not happy about that. I only hope it does not hurt Bitshares reputation too much. The only part that still bothers me is why (or how) would @stan, an extremely intelligent guy, and his team let this get by them?
I am a big fan, and user, of the Bitshres DEX and I was excited about the Arise partnership for one main reason: I want to stop using the centralized exchanges to get my USD in and out of the cryptosphere, and this was one (of the many) claims Arise has made, being able to exchange USD for bitUSD.
Thanks again, gonna go check out your blog now....
These are allegations are answered already 100 of times. @summertooth, if you have any doubts you can check arisebank telegram link to answer your doubts.
DO hope they can explain all the allegations away, but I have to say I am skeptical at the moment.
Hope you are felling better and able to enjoy the weekend!Thanks @docmastery! How did you know I was searching for that telegram link?!?! I
Thank you @summertooth, still resting here in my apartment. Hoping to get better soon since my 2 days rest is over.
Haha! I just thought that they are the only ones who can clear everything since I am not affiliated with them. I'm sure, everything will be cleared once you're there.
I love Stan but I think his lack of due diligence is really a problem when it comes to AriseBank. To clear up, he does not speak for the Bitshares committee and in fact is not even in it. He is solely doing this as a hobby. Doesn't mean it won't hurt Bitshares reputation though, seeing as he is still a known figure (sort of a celeb) associated with Bitshares.
I'm afraid this whole thing is really going to hurt Bitshares' reputation (it certainly has in my mind, even after reading that Stan is not truly speaking for Bitshares) - I suspect the appearance of endorsement-by + partnership-with 'Bitshares', through Stan, has been a big part of a lot of people getting sucked-in by this.
I think it'd be really good+important for whatever person/group is able to truly represent 'Bitshares' to come out with some very clear and very public statements completely distancing yourselves from this (and ideally also denouncing it as the clear scam that it is), if not just for Bitshares' reputation, then for all the people who you might still be able to prevent from losing money to this scam through the right action.
Those are exactly my sentiments towards this whole issue, although I could care shit about people investing into Arise as it's their own fault of not doing due diligence.
only a figurehead. If Arise is BS then I guess it could go either way. It could really hurt the Bitshares brand as he is their, "celeb", or it may not matter and he would just be disregarded as the old guy who got duped.Ah, thanks @droucil, I did not realize he was
I am getting ahead of myself though, let's see how this pans out first (fingers crossed).
Yeah, let's just hope the blow wont be too big. The technology behind Bitsahres is still #1 when it comes to the Blockchain world. And this does seems like a very promising year with a lot of upcoming businesses to join the Bitshares Blockchain :)!
So is this it? I mean copying text from another page is easier than writing it all over again. The dev did a mistake when copying too much from others. If that's your source of scam, I feel sorry for you.
As for the bank AriseBank is already filling up the papers for ownership and doesn't want to give any further details because of some people really wanted to stop AriseBank from launching. Look what happened to marqeta easily bought by criminals who wanted to stop arisebank.
And for Shawnster he admitted that he worked with Jared Rice Sr. He stated at first that he doesn't know AriseBank or what so ever. Then later on admitted that he did worked with Jared.
I see you really took your time looking into all the claims being made... O well, this thing be over soon enough. Just hoping it won't hurt the Bitshares reputation too much...
I'm hoping too that AriseBank will be true to their words and alliance. I wanted bitshares network to grow. With the help of AriseBank this is possible. If the committee will accept AriseBank integration there will be 700 more assets to choose from in the Bitshares DEX.
I'm hoping it's not wishful thinking
Bitshares coin alos great. good one.
bitshare is one of the potentive coin in crypto
Excellent, Bitshares coin alos great.thanks for sharing
I don't get it. Are they sending every registered bitshares user their token, in amount equal to the user's bts holdings?
Or is it only if you contributed to the ICO you will get the amount equal to your contribution?
This post has more information
I think it is the latter but not a bad deal as value is 3x value of bts
I'm sorry, I am not part of AriseBank to answer this question. You can go to their telegram chat group and look for evgeni to answer this question. All I know is 1 BTS = 1 ACO.
Be careful - looks like Arisebank is pretty clearly yet another ICO scam - https://medium.com/@aenigmacapital/investor-warning-arisebank-ico-strategic-partnership-with-bitshares-is-a-scam-96b8b473a61d
also this - https://medium.com/@finmakler_sokol/arisebank-my-2-cents-based-on-the-chat-in-the-pivx-arisebank-channel-and-some-research-done-over-5305ff97f5bd
more concerning ... is the hints in these articles that central members in the PIVX + BTS communities may be involved in suppressing warnings about this being a scam ..... along with all the poorly-written BTS pumping comments to this article, this whole thing makes me a touch concerned about BTS as well (especially given that this scam ICO's 1-1 BTS deal might have been the main driver behind BTS's most recent pump'n'dump ...)